
Mon 03 Apr 2023

Modeling Git Internals in Alloy, Part 1: Blobs and Trees

Git stores all the code and commits in your repo in a content-addressable store. That means that if you know the hash of something, you can retrieve it from the store. This allows Git to do cool things like syncing and deduplication, but it's also the source of some of the weirder parts of Git's behavior from a beginner's perspective. Once I learned about the internals, I found it a lot easier to reason about what it was doing. If you're learning about them for the first time now, I hope you have a similar experience!

Source: Modeling Git Internals in Alloy, Part 1: Blobs and Trees, an article by Brian Hicks.

trurl manipulates URLs

trurl is a small command line tool that parses and manipulates URLs, designed to help shell script authors everywhere.

URLs are tricky to parse and there are numerous security problems in software because of this. trurl wants to help soften this problem by taking away the need for script and command line authors everywhere to re-invent the wheel over and over.

trurl uses libcurl’s URL parser and will thus parse and understand URLs exactly the same as curl the command line tool does – making it the perfect companion tool.

Source: trurl manipulates URLs, an article by Daniel Stenberg.

SSH authorization keys experiments

Last week, while brainstorming with a colleague, I discovered a few interesting options with regard to OpenSSH public key authentication mechanisms, specifically how OpenSSH resolves which public keys are allowed for a particular user.

Source: SSH authorization keys experiments, an article by Ciprian Dorin Craciun.

Django 4.2 released

The Django team is happy to announce the release of Django 4.2.

This version has been designated as a long-term support (LTS) release, which means that security and data loss fixes will be applied for at least the next three years. It will also receive fixes for crashing bugs, major functionality bugs in newly-introduced features, and regressions from older versions of Django for the next eight months until December 2023.

Source: Django 4.2 released, an article by Mariusz Felisiak.