
Tue 21 Mar 2023

Write Predictable software, not Ergonomic

As software engineers, when we build software, we often choose the configuration defaults that our language or the framework provides to us. And most of the time, the default options work well. At least for a while, until something unexpected happens that reveals that the configuration which has been in place for years can cause an outage under specific circumstances.

In this article, I’ll go over a few examples illustrating the issues arising from misconfiguration. I also suggest a mental model and an API style that can help reason about configuration more effectively.

Source: Write Predictable software, not Ergonomic, an article by Sergey Tselovalnikov.

Github Actions and Go

I love open source, and also I love Go. So, a few months ago I decided to build the best CI for Go that I could easily reuse across my projects.

This post shares the results.

Source: Github Actions and Go, an article by Oleg Kovalov.

Implementing a Transformer From Scratch

To get intimately familiar with the nuts and bolts of transformers I decided to implement the original architecture in the “Attention is all you need” paper from scratch. I thought I knew everything there was to know, but to my own surprise, I encountered several unexpected implementation details that made me better understand how everything works under the hood.

Source: Implementing a Transformer From Scratch, an article by Joris Baan.