
Fri 10 Feb 2023

Why I'm not the biggest fan of Single Page Applications

Nevertheless, there is also valid and serious professional criticism. With this post I’m not trying to convince anyone to build their websites differently, I just want to share my view and my experiences as someone who has been building websites for over 20 years, and I try to summarize reasons why some developers, including me, are wary of building SPAs.

Source: Why I'm not the biggest fan of Single Page Applications, an article by Manuel Matuzović.

Building conc: Better structured concurrency for Go

Go is designed to make concurrency easier than it is in other languages, but at Sourcegraph, I still found myself running into the same problems repeatedly when writing concurrent code.

In particular, it is difficult to write concurrent code that operates reasonably in the face of panics. We don't want the entire process to crash when a panic occurs in a spawned goroutine, and we want to avoid other problems that can be triggered by panics like deadlocks or leaked goroutines. Go does not provide an easy way to do this natively.

So I built conc, a library that makes writing concurrent code more elegant and reduces the amount of boilerplate code.

Source: Building conc: Better structured concurrency for Go, an article by Camden Cheek.