
Sat 21 Jan 2023

Thoughts on the Python packaging ecosystem

This post is a bit long, so here’s the key points I’m making:

  • The Python packaging ecosystem unintentionally became the type of competitive space that it is today.
  • The community needs to make an explicit decision if it should continue operating under the model that led to status quo.
  • Pick from N different tools that do N different things is a good model.
  • Pick from N ~equivalent choices is a really bad user experience.
  • Picking a default doesn’t make other approaches illegal.
  • Communication about the Python packaging ecosystem is fragmented, and we should improve that.

Source: Thoughts on the Python packaging ecosystem, an article by Pradyun Gedam.

Rust should own its debugger experience

40% of Rust Developers believe Rust's debugging experience could use improvement. And that's not surprising: when we write code we make assumptions, and sometimes we assume wrong. This leads to bugs, which we then track down and fix. This is what we call "debugging", and is a core part of programming. The purpose-built tools which help us with debugging are called "debuggers".

Unlike the Rust compiler, the Rust project doesn't actually provide a "Rust debugger". Users of Rust are instead expected to use a third-party debugger such as gdb, lldb, or windbg to debug their programs. And support for Rust in these debuggers is not always great. Basic concepts such as "traits", "closures", and "enums" may have limited support. And debugging async code, or arbitrary user-defined data structures may be really hard if not impossible. This limits the utility of debuggers, and in turn limits the Rust user's debugging experience.

Source: Rust should own its debugger experience, an article by Yoshua Wuyts.

Breaking the Snake: How Python went from 2 to 3

I was on the cusp of the Python 2→3 transition being the last class in my grad school to learn Python 2, so I remember being put off by Python 3. By then the transition had been going on for almost a decade so a lot of libraries had already been updated. But the final date for Python 2 was no where in sight. I was lucky that my transition was relatively painless, but it wasn’t for a lot of people. Lets take a look back and see how it started, but first a little housekeeping.

Source: Breaking the Snake: How Python went from 2 to 3, an article by Diego Crespo.

The Surprising Things That CSS Can Animate

When you think of animating CSS properties, which ones come to mind? I recently started wondering about the ones that don’t come to mind — properties that aren’t typically associated with animation, but turn out to be animatable.

This articles explores some of the unexpected things that CSS can animate and some nifty things you can do by animating them.

Source: The Surprising Things That CSS Can Animate, an article by Will Boyd.