
Fri 13 Jan 2023

Makefiles for Web Work

make is a build tool that’s been around since the 1970s. It was originally designed for automating the building of C programs: installing dependencies, running tests, and compiling binaries.

These days, web projects involve many of the same steps: installing node_modules, running linters and tests, starting dev servers, and compiling files with esbuild or Rollup.

The default choice for automating these steps is often npm/yarn scripts: little shell commands written into your project’s package.json file. More complex projects sometimes evolve into using tools like Gulp/Grunt, or even full-blown Docker builds.

But I find make often fills many of the same needs without as much fuss.

Source: Makefiles for Web Work, an article by Ross Zurowski.

Sharing, Space Leaks, and Conduit and friends

Sharing conduit values leads to space leaks. Make sure that conduits are completely reconstructed on every call to runConduit; this implies we have to be careful not to create any (potentially large) conduit CAFs (skip to the final section “Avoiding space leaks” for some details on how to do this). Similar considerations apply to other streaming libraries and indeed any Haskell code that uses lazy data structures to drive computation.

Source: Sharing, Space Leaks, and Conduit and friends, an article by Edsko de Vries.