
Tue 10 Jan 2023

Pagination and the problem of the total result count

When processing a big result set in an interactive application, you want to paginate the result set, that is, show it page by page. Everybody is familiar with that from the first web search on. You also get a button to scroll to the next page, and you get a total result count. This article shows the various options for pagination of a result set and their performance. It also discusses the problem of the total result count.

Source: Pagination and the problem of the total result count, an article by Laurenz Albe.

In Defense of Testing Mocks

This isn’t going to be a great defense, because I generally agree with the conventional wisdom that mocking should be avoided when possible. But I think it’s important to give things a fair shake, even if I don’t like them.

Source: In Defense of Testing Mocks, an article by Hillel Wayne.

Introducing Content Defined Chunking (CDC)

In a backup program, data de-duplication can be applied in two locations: Removing duplicate data from the same or different files within the same backup process (inter-file de-duplication), e.g. during the initial backup, or removing it between several backups that contain some of the same data (inter-backup de-duplication). While the former is desirable to have, the latter is much more important.

Source: Introducing Content Defined Chunking (CDC).