
Tue 27 Dec 2022

Detecting the use of "curl | bash" server side

Installing software by piping from curl to bash is obviously a bad idea and a knowledgable user will most likely check the content first. So wouldn't it be great if a malicious payload would only render when piped to bash? A few people have tried this before by checking for the curl user agent which is by no means fail safe - the user may simply curl the url on the commandline revealing your malicious code. Luckily the behaviour of curl (and wget) changes subtely when piped into bash. This allows an attacker to present two different versions of their script depending on the context :)

Source: Detecting the use of "curl | bash" server side.

Extending Python with Rust

Sometimes a pure Python script can't just deliver the performance we need. When that's the case we have to resort to writing our logic in a "fast" compiled language like C or Rust and expose the function with through a Python module. This way we get the best of both worlds. Today I focus on how to use Rust for writing such extensions. I choose Rust over C because it is just nicer to use and less of a minefield of gotchas waiting for you trip them. Also, since as a data scientist I spend spend most of the time manipulating Numpy arrays so I will focus on how to pass them and return them from Rust. To accomplish this I'll make use of the PyO3 and Numpy crates.

Source: Extending Python with Rust, an article by Maxwell Rules.