
Wed 26 Oct 2022

A Potpourri of Emacs Tweaks

Emacs is the “extensible text editor”, and it wouldn’t be fun if one didn’t at least try to take advantage of that, right? Having just written a README for my Emacs configuration, I thought it might be nice to somewhat expand on certain ideas and give a little context to some snippets that have accumulated over time.

Source: A Potpourri of Emacs Tweaks, an article by Tony Zorman.

All The Ways To Introspect Python Objects at Runtime

Python provides a lot of ways to ask questions about your code. Whether it's basic things like help() function, builtin functions like dir() or more advanced methods in inspect module - the tools are there to help you find the answers to your questions.

Let's find out what kinds of questions about our own code can Python answer for us and how it can help us during debugging sessions, dealing with type annotations, validating inputs and much more.

Source: All The Ways To Introspect Python Objects at Runtime, an article by Martin Heinz.

systemd Shutdown Units

Designing a system to shutdown gracefully can be tricky. In an ideal world, every service would be managed by a systemd unit. ExecStart would start a process that handles SIGTERM by stopping itself and an ExecStop would inform the process and block to gracefully stop the process and its resources.

But not all software stops gracefully or does a full teardown of what it set up. In this post, we’ll look at systemd’s shutdown behavior and strategies for writing systemd units that perform custom cleanup tasks before shutdown.

Source: systemd Shutdown Units, an article by Dalton Hubble.