
Mon 24 Oct 2022

Significant Garbage Collection Improvement For Emacs

This commit reduces the total wall clock duration for sweep conses execution by approximately 50%. It does so by reducing branch mispredictions from dereferencing storage blocks while sweeping the cons blocks. Parsing the output from some subprocesses such as LSP servers creates huge amounts of conses, so this commit is significant for increasing the responsiveness for modes such as eglot or company-mode.

Source: Significant Garbage Collection Improvement For Emacs, an article by Tyler Dodge.

How to correctly cache build-time dependencies using Nix

Professional Nix users often create a shared cache of Nix build products so that they can reuse build products created by continuous integration (CI). For example, CI might build Nix products for each main development branch of their project or even for every pull request and it would be nice if those build products could be shared with all developers via a cache.

However, uploading build products to a cache is a little non-trivial if you don’t already know the “best” solution, which is the subject of this post.

Source: How to correctly cache build-time dependencies using Nix, an article by Gabriella Gonzalez.