
Fri 21 Oct 2022

Create a Progress Bar in Python CLI

Whenever you download a file or start a game, you see an aesthetic animation that updates itself until completed. This is a progress bar. A progress bar is a graphical element used to visualize the progress of a task such as downloading, uploading, or transferring files.

There are two types of progress bars: determinate and indeterminate. Determinate progress bars track the progress of a task over time. Indeterminate progress bars run infinitely with a looping animation.

So, how can you create a determinate progress bar in a Python CLI program?

Source: Create a Progress Bar in Python CLI, an article by Sai Ashish Konchada.

Python CLI Tricks That Don't Require Any Code Whatsoever

Out-of-the-box, Python standard library ships with many great libraries some of which provide commandline interface (CLI), allowing us to do many cool things directly from terminal without needing to even open a .py file.

This includes things like starting a webserver, opening a browser, parsing JSON files, benchmarking programs and many more, all of which we will explore in this article.

Source: Python CLI Tricks That Don't Require Any Code Whatsoever, an article by Martin Heinz.