
Fri 07 Oct 2022

Future Proofing SQL with Carefully Placed Errors

Backward compatibility is straightforward. You have full control over new code and you have full knowledge of past data and APIs. Forward compatibility is more challenging. You have full control over new code, but you don't know how data is going to change in the future, and what types of API you're going to have to support.

There are many best practices for maintaining backward and forward compatibility in application code, but it's not very commonly mentioned in relation to SQL. SQL is used to produce critical business information for applications and decision-making, so there's no reason it shouldn't benefit from similar practices.

Source: Future Proofing SQL with Carefully Placed Errors, an article by Haki Benita.

Routing PostgreSQL queries

Scaling databases is hard. However, perhaps the lowest hanging fruit is introducing read-only replicas.

A typical load balancing requirement is to route all "logical" read-only queries to a read-only instance. This requirement can be implemented in 2 ways:

  1. Create two database clients (read-write and read-only) and pass them around the application as needed.
  2. Use a middleware to assign query to a connection pool based on the query itself.

Source: Routing PostgreSQL queries between read-write & read-only instances, an article by Gajus Kuizinas.

Single Pass Recursion in Rust

This is the third post in a three-post series. In the first post we developed a stack-safe, ergonomic, and concise method for working with recursive data structures (using a simple expression language as an example). In the second post we made it fully generic, providing a set of generic tools for expanding and collapsing any recursive data structure in Rust.

In this post we will see how to combine these two things - expanding a structure and collapsing it at the same time, performing both operations in a single pass. In the process, we will gain the ability to write arbitrary recursive functions over traditional boxed-pointer recursive structures (instead of the novel RecursiveTree type introduced in my previous post) while retaining stack safety.

Source: Single Pass Recursion in Rust, an article by Inanna Malick.