
Thu 29 Sep 2022

3 Ways to Watch Logs in Real Time in Linux

You know how to view files in Linux. You use cat command or probably less command for this purpose.

That's good for files that has static content. But log files are dynamic and their content change with time. To monitor logs, you need to watch the log file as its content changes.

How do you see the content of log files in real time? Tail is the most popular command for this purpose but there are some other tools as well. I'll show them to you in this tutorial.

Source: Watch Logs in Real Time in Linux With Tail, Less & Multitail, an article by Abhishek Prakash.

Facts about State Machines

I hold the opinion that state machines are often misunderstood and under-applied

And that's why I wrote this. The goal of this list of facts is not to teach you what state machines are or how to use them; there are plenty of other resources for that. Rather, the goal here is to motivate their usage and to highlight things about them that are frequently overlooked, but nonetheless relevant.

Source: Facts about State Machines, an article by Chris Pressey.

The International (2009)

An Interpol agent attempts to expose a high-profile financial institution's role in an international arms dealing ring.

In the evening I watched The International. Halfway the movie I realised that I had seen it before, years ago. Still, I did like the movie and give it a 7 out of 10.