
Mon 01 Aug 2022

I've long been an enthusiastic user of print based debugging, although I did eventually realize that I reach for a debugger when dealing with certain sorts of bugs. But print based debugging is eternally controversial, with any number of people ready to tell you that you should use a debugger instead and that you're missing out by not doing so. Recently I had a thought about that and how it interacts with how much programming people do.

Source: Print based debugging and infrequent developers, an article by Chris Siebenmann.

Running Linux microVMs on macOS (M1/M2)

Sometimes, while working on macOS, you may find the need to test something quick on Linux, or use some utility that's only available on this OS. But, of course, you don't want to go through all the process of creating the VM from scratch.

The good news is, you don't need to! Using krunvm you can create and start a microVM from a regular container image (that is, an OCI image), in just two commands and a couple of seconds.

Source: Running Linux microVMs on macOS (M1/M2), an article by Sergio López.