
Tue 21 Jun 2022

Why new Macs break your Docker build, and how to fix it

One of the promises of Docker is reproducibility: you can build an image on a different machine, and assuming you’ve done the appropriate setup, get the same result. So it can be a little confusing when you try to build your Python-based Dockerfile on a new Mac, and everything starts failing. What used to work before—on an older Mac, or on a Linux machine—fails in completely unexpected ways.

Source: Why new Macs break your Docker build, and how to fix it, an article by Itamar Turner-Trauring.

Error Messages in Haskell, and how to Improve them

I’ve been writing more and more Haskell lately, as part of a side project involving GraphQL. As part of working with the language, I’ve had to work with its compile errors. The Haskell compiler gives you errors that are extremely informative—if you know the language. If you don’t know the language very well, the compiler errors can occasionally be opaque and unhelpful.

I’ve very much enjoyed using Haskell, and I figure the best way for me to give back to the community is to make this situation a little better. In order to do this, we’re going to take a fun dive into Haskell errors, why they’re confusing, and how they might be improved.

Source: Error Messages in Haskell, and how to Improve them.