
Tue 24 May 2022

I hate LaTeX. I love LaTeX

Everyone who knows me IRL (and, I suppose, who follows me online for long enough), knows that I have a… special relationship with LaTeX. I think it has something to do with its obscurity, when it wasn’t specifically made to be obtuse, and then being so good at what it does — which is typeset documents. It doesn’t help that people consistently make impressive things with it, thus showing that it’s not just theoretically Turing-complete, but really something you can bend to your will, provided you’re willing to grapple with books from the 70s and obscure PDFs scattered online, in lieu of some modern documentation.

Systemd by example: installing units

This is the fourth article in a series trying to understand systemd by creating small containerized examples. In Part 1, we created a minimal systemd setup in a container. In Part 2 we took a close look at systemd’s dependency management. In Part 3 we saw the basics of services and how to define them. In this post, we will see another way to add dependencies for units. This technique is most commonly used when adding new units to the system that should be activated during bootup.

Source: systemd by example - Part 4: Installing units, an article by Sebastian Jambor.