
Thu 14 Apr 2022

Table partitioning in PostgreSQL databases

Partitioning involves splitting large tables into smaller ones according to some attribute (like time ranges, regions, or even user ID groups). This is a logical step, and it can significantly increase your performance. But a botched implementation can have unintended effects, thus losing potential benefits, and turning your work with the database into a complete nightmare (more on this later).

Source: A slice of life: table partitioning in PostgreSQL databases, an article by Ruslan Shakirov.

On env Shebangs

The /usr/bin/env shebang provides a means for system portability. It has many valid use cases. However, you don’t just magically gain portability by switching to an env shebang. There are many trade-offs to consider.

Source: On env Shebangs, an article by Armin Briegel.

CSS Parent Selector

Have you ever thought about a CSS selector where you check if a specific element exists within a parent? For example, if a card component has a thumbnail, we need to add display: flex to it. This hasn’t been possible in CSS but now we will have a new selector, the CSS :has which will help us to select the parent of a specific element and many other things.

Source: CSS Parent Selector, an article by Ahmad Shadeed.