
Mon 31 Jan 2022

10 Unknown Security Pitfalls for Python

Python developers trust their applications to have a solid security state due to the use of standard libraries and common frameworks. However, within Python, just like in any other programming language, there are certain features that can be misleading or misused by developers. Often it is only a very minor subtlety or detail that can make developers slip and add a severe security vulnerability to the code base.

In this blog post, we share 10 security pitfalls we encountered in real-world Python projects. We chose pitfalls that we believe are less known in the developer community. By explaining each issue and its impact we hope to raise awareness and sharpen your security mindset. If you are using any of these features, make sure to check your Python code!

Source: 10 Unknown Security Pitfalls for Python, an article by Dennis Brinkrolf.

Panics vs cancellation, part 1

One of the things people often complain about when doing Async Rust is cancellation. This has always been a bit confusing to me, because it seems to me that async cancellation should feel a lot like panics in practice, and people don’t complain about panics very often (though they do sometimes). This post is the start of a short series comparing panics and cancellation, seeking after the answer to the question “Why is async cancellation a pain point and what should we do about it?” This post focuses on explaining Rust’s panic philosophy and explaining why I see panics and cancellation as being quite analogous to one another.

Source: Panics vs cancellation, part 1, an article by Niko Matsakis.