
Fri 07 Jan 2022

Tracing in Linux and macOS

If you’re coming from Linux, you may be familiar with the ptrace family of commands — strace and ltrace. If you’re coming from macOS, you may have had brief encounters with dtruss or dtrace, instead.

If you haven’t heard of them before or haven’t had the chance to play with them, this post is for you. I’m going to show you what they do and why they are important tools to know.

Source: Tracing in Linux and macOS, an article by Patrick Elsen.

Shell Eval

In this post, we will perform a few experiments to see the usefulness of the eval command for a particular scenario in a POSIX-compliant shell.

Source: Shell Eval, an article by Susam Pal.

Ranges and suffering

If you're familiar with Python, you probably like Rust's ranges a lot. They're generally tidy, are lots more concise than writing out range(...) all the time, and are a ton better than magic syntax for slicing (thanks for that one, Guido)

Unfortunately, the redeeming qualities of Rust's range types stop there. Behind a friendly face lurks what is perhaps the single biggest collection of infuriating design choices in Rust's entire standard library.

Source: Ranges and suffering.