
Wed 05 Jan 2022

Bashing JSON into Shape with SQLite

It is clear that most of the world has decided that they want to use JSON for their public-facing API endpoints. However, most of the time you will need to deal with storage engines that don't deal with JSON very well. This can be confusing to deal with because you need to fit a square peg into a round hole.

However, SQLite added JSON functions to allow you to munge and modify JSON data in whatever creative ways you want. You can use these and SQLite triggers in order to automatically massage JSON into whatever kind of tables you want. Throw in upserts and you'll be able to make things even more automated.

Source: Bashing JSON into Shape with SQLite, an article by Christine Dodrill.

Neural Network From Scratch

In this edition of Napkin Math, we'll invoke the spirit of the Napkin Math series to establish a mental model for how a neural network works by building one from scratch. In a future issue we will do napkin math on performance, as establishing the first-principle understanding is plenty of ground to cover for today!

Source: Neural Network From Scratch, an article by Simon Hørup Eskildsen.