
Thu 30 Dec 2021

How to back up your Git repositories

Making backups is important. You don’t want to lose all your information because of a broken device or a stolen account. One proposed solution is the 3–2–1 method (3 copies, at least in 2 different devices, and 1 of them off-site) and you should make at least one full backup every year (that could match the World Backup Day). What to back up is up to you. You can backup your contacts, emails, messages, social networks content… and your code.

Backing up code is a bit tricky question. Most of the people host their code on their computer, probably with Git and maybe on Github. But having one copy is having no copies. You don’t want to depend on Github exclusively for your code, and it is wise to have at least one extra copy. The question is then, how to make that extra copy.

Source: How to back up your Git repositories, an article by Alberto de Murga.