
Thu 02 Dec 2021

Python's None problem

Like many languages, Python has a "null value", which it calls None. By default, any Python variable can have the value None at any moment in time, and the only way to know whether something is currently None is to manually inspect it.

Source: Python's None problem.

A practical, step-by-step guide to using Chrome's DevTools

In this post, we’ll aim to cover practical techniques developers can use to debug, manipulate, and otherwise probe running web applications via Chrome’s built-in devtools. The goal is to articulate the specific steps and shortcuts we would use at Reflect, and to favor breadth over depth. Readers can follow the guide step-by-step and try it out themselves at the provided link provided below.

Source: A practical, step-by-step guide to using Chrome's DevTools, an article by Kyle Sheehan.

How Does NTP Work?

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a system for synchronizing the clocks of hosts and clients across the Internet. NTP is a protocol intended to synchronize all computers participating in the network to within a few milliseconds of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The core of the protocol is NTP’s clock discipline algorithm that adjusts the local computer’s clock time and tick frequency in response to an external source — such as another trusted NTP server, a radio or satellite receiver, or a telephone modem. A core problem in NTP is establishing the trust and accuracy of nodes in the NTP network. This is done through a combination of selection and filtering algorithms to choose from the most reliable and accurate peer in the synchronization network.

Source: How Does NTP Work?, an article by Kevin Sookocheff.