
Sat 27 Nov 2021

Pinning in plain English

Pinning in Rust is a powerful and very convenient pattern that is, in my eyes, not supported well enough in the wider ecosystem.

A common sentiment is that it's hard to understand and that the pin module documentation is confusing. (Personally, I think it works well as reference to answer questions about edge cases, but it's a dense read and not necessarily a good intro text.)

This post is my attempt to make the feature more approachable, to hopefully inspire more developers to make their crates pinning-aware where that would be helpful.

Source: Pinning in plain English, an article by Tamme Schichler.

Everything about Load Balancer with Cheat Sheet

The Load Balancers play a significant role in any System Design. And the beauty of its design is that every engineer takes it for granted, that this will work — one of the best system designs and a lot to learn from this simple yet powerful solution. The LB acts as a middle-man between clients and servers; the client sends requests to LB and internally, via physical NIC to VIPs, forwards to attached web servers.

Source: Everything about Load Balancer with Cheat Sheet, an article by Love Sharma.

Endianness, API Design, and Polymorphism in Rust

I have been working on a serialization project recently that involves endianness (also known as byte order), and it caused me to explore parts of the Rust standard library that deals with endianness, and share my thoughts about how endianness should be represented in a programming language and its standard library, as I think this is also something that Rust does better than C++, and also makes for a good case study to talk about API design and polymorphism in Rust.

Source: Endianness, API Design, and Polymorphism in Rust, an article by Jimmy Hartzell.

Inspecting container filesystems

If you work a lot with containers, then there’s a good chance you’ve wanted to look inside a running container’s filesystem at some point. Maybe the container is failing to run properly and you want to read some logs, maybe you want to check some configuration files inside the container...or maybe you’re like me and want to place some eBPF probes on the binaries in that container (more on this later).

Source: Where are my container's files? Inspecting container filesystems, an article by Omid Azizi.

Klaus (2019)

A simple act of kindness always sparks another, even in a frozen, faraway place. When Smeerensburg's new postman, Jesper, befriends toymaker Klaus, their gifts melt an age-old feud and deliver a sleigh full of holiday traditions.

In the evening we watched Klaus. I liked the movie and give it a 7 out of 10.