systemd by example
This is the first article in a series where I try to understand systemd by creating small containerized examples.
Source: systemd by example - Part 1: Minimization, an article by Sebastian Jambor.
This is the first article in a series where I try to understand systemd by creating small containerized examples.
Source: systemd by example - Part 1: Minimization, an article by Sebastian Jambor.
Some googling showed me that over past 11 years people have noticed that Firefox uses optimized zip files. This inspired me to document thinking behind the optimized zip format I implemented in Firefox in the pre-pandemic 2010.
Source: Firefox's Optimized Zip Format: Reading Zip Files Really Quickly, an article by Taras Glek.
My hope is that by exposing a list of my personal tmux configurations and my reasoning behind them, you will see a general pattern and understand it enough to make tmux your own.
Source: Useful Tmux Configuration Examples, an article by Igor Irianto.