
Wed 20 Oct 2021

Builder pattern in Rust

As you know, Rust does not support optional function arguments nor keyword arguments, nor function overloading. To overcome this limitation rust developers frequently apply builder pattern. It requires some extra coding, but from the API ergonomics perspective, gives a similar effect as keyword arguments and optional arguments.

Source: Builder pattern in Rust, an article by Sergey Potapov.

Tests aren’t enough: Case study after adding type hints to urllib3

Since Python 3.5 was released in 2015 including PEP 484 and the typing module type hints have grown from a nice-to-have to an expectation for popular packages. To fulfill this expectation our team has committed to shipping type hints for the v2.0 milestone. What we didn’t realize is the amount of value we’d derive from this project in terms of code correctness.

We wanted to share the journey, what we learned, and problems we encountered along the way as well as celebrate this enormous milestone for the urllib3 project.

Source: Tests aren’t enough: Case study after adding type hints to urllib3, an article by Seth Michael Larson.