
Sun 26 Sep 2021

A Brief History of Markov Chains

One of the most common simple techniques for generating text is a Markov chain. The algorithm takes an input text or texts, divides it into tokens (usually letters or words), and generates new text based on the statistics of short sequences of those tokens. If you're interested in the technical details, Allison Parrish has a good tutorial on implementing Markov chains in Python.

This technique has been around for a very long time, but it's slightly unclear when it was first developed. The following is a slightly sketchy work-in-progress timeline of what I've been able to work out.

Source: A Brief History of Markov Chains, an article by Martin O'Leary.

What Makes a Good Changelog

Changelogs are important communication tools, and should be made for people to enjoy reading. There should always be some level of editing, and tailoring the message to who you’re talking to, and what you're talking about. Relying on strict commit styles and auto-generating tools limits that amount of tailoring, even if the tool allows you to customize the end user output.

Source: What Makes a Good Changelog, an article by Zeno Rocha and Herbert Lui.

The GIL and its effects on Python multithreading

As you probably know, the GIL stands for the Global Interpreter Lock, and its job is to make the CPython interpreter thread-safe. The GIL allows only one OS thread to execute Python bytecode at any given time, and the consequence of this is that it's not possible to speed up CPU-intensive Python code by distributing the work among multiple threads. This is, however, not the only negative effect of the GIL. The GIL introduces overhead that makes multi-threaded programs slower, and what is more surprising, it can even have an impact I/O-bound threads.

In this post I'd like to tell you more about non-obvious effects of the GIL. Along the way, we'll discuss what the GIL really is, why it exists, how it works, and how it's going to affect Python concurrency in the future.

Source: Python behind the scenes #13: the GIL and its effects on Python multithreading, an article by Victor Skvortsov.