
Tue 21 Sep 2021

Inspecting coredumps like it's 2021

A coredump is a snapshot of a process’s memory that is usually created by the kernel when a crash happens. These can be fairly helpful to find out which part of the code broke by looking at the backtrace or finding any kind of corruption by introspecting the memory itself. Unfortunately it can be a bit tedious to work with these. This article aims to give an overview over helpful tools & tricks to leverage the full power of coredumps on Nix-based systems.

Source: Inspecting coredumps like it's 2021, an article by Maximilian Bosch.

Python Plotting for Exploratory Data Analysis

Plotting is an essential component of data analysis. As a data scientist, I spend a significant amount of my time making simple plots to understand complex data sets (exploratory data analysis) and help others understand them (presentations).

In particular, I make a lot of bar charts (including histograms), line plots (including time series), scatter plots, and density plots from data in Pandas data frames. I often want to facet these on various categorical variables and layer them on a common grid.

Source: Python Plotting for Exploratory Analysis, an article by Tim Hopper.

Filtering With PiHole and Podman

’ve long been a fan of filtering at the DNS level. The approach that I’ll outline here is similar to what our devices did at Luma. It is not perfect by any means, but if it is setup well then it provides a chokepoint that has a solid return on investment for the amount of time and effort that it takes to standup. It isn’t going to keep any sophisticated actors at bay, but it does demonstrably improve performance and has a good chance of reducing the headaches of administrating a network and the systems on it for a connected family.

Source: It's Always DNS. Filtering With PiHole and Podman, an article by Daniel Peck.