
Wed 15 Sep 2021

Go'ing Insane Part One: Endless Error Handling

I’ve been using Go for a few years now, mostly in my open source project Lazygit. In my day job I use Ruby and Typescript, and I’ve also spent some time with Rust. Each of those languages have design quirks that can grind a developer’s gears, and although my own precious gears have been ground by every language I’ve used, Go is the only language that has made me feel indignant.

Source: Go'ing Insane Part One: Endless Error Handling, an article by Jesse Duffield.

OpenBSD's pledge and unveil from Python

Years ago, OpenBSD gained two new security system calls, pledge(2) (originally tame(2)) and unveil. In both, an application surrenders capabilities at run-time. The idea is to perform initialization like usual, then drop capabilities before handling untrusted input, limiting unwanted side effects. This feature is applicable even where type safety isn’t an issue, such as Python, where a program might still get tricked into accessing sensitive files or making network connections when it shouldn’t. So how can a Python program access these system calls?

Source: OpenBSD's pledge and unveil from Python, an article by Chris Wellons.

Unravelling async for loops

When I decided the next post in my series on Python's syntactic sugar would be on async for, I figured it would be straightforward. I have already done for loops, so I have something to build off of. The language reference also specifies the pseudo-code for async for, so I really didn't have to think too much about what the unravelled form should be.

But then I decided I would break with my practice of using Python 3.8 as the reference version of Python I work from and instead pull from Python 3.10 due to two additions in that version: aiter() and anext(). That decision turned out to complicate my life a bit. 😉

Source: Unravelling async for loops, an article by Brett Cannon.