
Sat 11 Sep 2021

I18n in Go: Managing Translations

Recently I've been building a fully internationalized (i18n) and localized (l10n) web application for the first time with Go's packages. I've found that the packages and tools that live under are really effective and well designed, although it's been a bit of a challenge to figure out how to put it all together in a real application.

In this tutorial I want to explain how you can use packages to manage translations in your application. Specifically:

  • How to use the and packages to print translated messages from your Go code.
  • How to use the gotext tool to automatically extract messages for translation from your code into JSON files.
  • How to use gotext to parse translated JSON files and create a catalog containing translated messages.
  • How to manage variables in messages and provided pluralized versions of translations.

Source: I18n in Go: Managing Translations, an article by Alex Edwards.

Quadratic algorithms are slow (and hashmaps are fast)

Hello! I was talking to a friend yesterday who was studying for a programming interview and trying to learn some algorithms basics.

The topic of quadratic-time vs linear-time algorithms came up, I thought this would be fun to write about here because avoiding quadratic-time algorithms isn’t just important in interviews – it’s sometimes good to know about in real life too! I’ll explain what a “quadratic-time algorithm is” in a minute :)

here are the 3 things we’ll talk about:

  1. quadratic time functions are WAY WAY WAY slower than linear time functions
  2. sometimes you can make a quadratic algorithm into a linear algorithm by using a hashmap
  3. this is because hashmaps lookups are very fast (instant!)

I’m going to try to keep the math jargon to a minimum and focus on real code examples and how fast/slow they are.

Source: Quadratic algorithms are slow (and hashmaps are fast), an article by Julia Evans.