
Tue 07 Sep 2021

Awk: The Power and Promise of a 40-Year-Old Language

Languages don't enjoy long lives. Very few people still code with the legacies of the 1970s: ML, Pascal, Scheme, Smalltalk. (The C language is still widely used but in significantly updated versions.) Bucking that trend, the 1977 Unix utility Awk can boast of a loyal band of users and seems poised to continue far into the future. In this article, I’ll explain what makes Awk special and keeps it relevant.

Source: Awk: The Power and Promise of a 40-Year-Old Language, an article by Andy Oram.

Kubernetes CI/CD pipelines: What, why, and how

This blog can provide you with useful information on how to set up a Kubernetes CI/CD workflow using state-of-the-art of open source DevOps tools, whether you are:

  • A developer at the start of your journey with enterprise software
  • An experienced software engineer working on your company’s applications, or
  • An engineering lead trying to improve your team’s productivity

Source: Kubernetes CI/CD pipelines: What, why, and how, an article by Alex Chalkias.