
Mon 30 Aug 2021

Moving to modern Neovim

I installed Neovim v0.5 when it was released last month, and used it for a few weeks while reading about all the new features in it. Last weekend, I felt an uncharacteristic urge to try them out, and I'm glad I did. Here's a quick overview of what I learned.

Source: Moving to modern Neovim, an article by Abhijit Menon-Sen.

Go is pass-by-value — but it might not always feel like it

Go is a programming language which passes by value, which effectively means that if you give a value as a parameter to a function, the received value within the function is actually a copy of the original. You can modify it however you wish and your changes will not affect the original value or escape the function scope. This is in contrast to some languages which pass values by reference instead of copying them.

Source: Go is pass-by-value — but it might not always feel like it, an article by Neil Alexander.

Optimizing Immutable Strings in Rust

In this article, we will discuss certain ways to optimize the way we allocate and clone data in immutable contexts. Throughout this article, we will be using the String type as a particular example, but please do keep in mind that the concepts are generally applicable elsewhere.

Source: Optimizing Immutable Strings in Rust, an article by Basti Ortiz.