
Thu 11 Mar 2021

Iterators and Generators

Processing each item in a collection is a very common operation, no matter the programming language. JavaScript is no exception and provides a number of ways to iterate over collections. The spectrum ranges from simple for loops to the more complex map() and filter().

Iterators and Generators bring the concept of iteration, build into the core of JavaScript and provide a mechanism for customizing the behavior of for…of loops.

Source: How JavaScript works: iterators + tips on gaining advanced control over generators, an article by Alexander Zlatkov.

A gentle introduction to multithreading

Modern computers have the ability to perform multiple operations at the same time. Supported by hardware advancements and smarter operating systems, this feature makes your programs run faster, both in terms of speed of execution and responsiveness.

Writing software that takes advantage of such power is fascinating, yet tricky: it requires you to understand what happens under your computer's hood. In this first episode I'll try to scratch the surface of threads, one of the tools provided by operating systems to perform this kind of magic. Let's go!

Source: A gentle introduction to multithreading.

From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days

Yes, my friends, it is true. After more than fifteen years using Vim, teaching Vim, proselytizing about Vim, all the while scoffing in the general direction of Emacs, I’ve seen the light. The light of Lisp… Or something.

If, like me, you’re curious enough to give Emacs a try, this post should help you get off the ground.

It’s taken me at least the fourteen days described in the title, but with my help it should only take you two or three. There are some things to get used to, some new paradigms, and you have to learn a bit of Lisp (Elisp, actually), but don’t be afraid, it’s not that hard.

Source: From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days , an article by Aaron Bieber.