
Fri 26 Feb 2021

An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions

The world of web animations has become a sprawling jungle of tools and technologies. Libraries like GSAP and Framer Motion and React Spring have sprung up to help us add motion to the DOM.

The most fundamental and critical piece, though, is the humble CSS transition. It's the first animation tool that most front-end devs learn, and it's a workhorse. Even the most grizzled, weathered animation veterans still reach for this tool often.

There's a surprising amount of depth to this topic. In this tutorial, we'll dig in and learn a bit more about CSS transitions, and how we can use them to create lush, polished animations.

Source: CSS transitions and hover animations, an interactive guide, an article by Joshua Comeau.

Contexts and structs

In many Go APIs, especially modern ones, the first argument to functions and methods is often context.Context. Context provides a means of transmitting deadlines, caller cancellations, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes. It is often used when a library interacts — directly or transitively — with remote servers, such as databases, APIs, and the like.

Source: Contexts and structs, an article by Jean de Klerk and Matt T. Proud.