
Wed 24 Feb 2021

Fuzzy Name Matching in Postgres

A surprisingly common problem in both application development and analysis is: given an input name, find the database record it most likely refers to. It's common because databases of names and people are common, and it's a problem because names are a very irregular identifying token.

The page "Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names" covers some of the ways names are hard to deal with in programming. This post will ignore most of those complexities, and deal with the problem of matching up loose user input to a database of names.

Source: Fuzzy Name Matching in Postgres, an article by Paul Ramsey.

With software development teams growing in size, many developers utilize static code analysis tools to mitigate code smells and find bugs and vulnerabilities. While code correctness cannot be automated, code quality maintenance can be made possible through these static code analysis tools. It helps Teams to identify bugs and anti-patterns in the early stage of development.

Static code analysis tools analyze the code on every commit or pull request and point out potential code-quality, security, and style issues before the reviewer points them out. In this article, we will be reviewing 7 of the renowned Python code review tools as your perfect fit, which will make your decision-making process easier for choosing the best one.

Source: 7 Best Python Code Review Tools Recommended by Developers, an article by Saif Sadiq.

So, You Want To Understand Monads?

I was just reading an article in which a poor soul was trying really hard to explain to the reader what a monad is and failing miserably because he himself did not truly understand it. Out of mostly a desire to help him, I thought it might make sense to write an article that allows people to understand the intuition behind monads first without going into crazy functional language syntax.

Source: So, You Want To Understand Monads?, an article by Anurag Mendhekar.