Rehousing a Heteroscodra maculata?
In the afternoon I prepared a larger enclosure for a Heteroscodra maculata I keep. When done I took the enclosure and the smaller enclosure with the spider to the bathroom to transfer it to its new home.

I used the bathroom because this spider is lightning fast. The 5th of November it had even escaped from its small enclosure with me not really noticing it. Only when I couldn't find a trace of the spider and recalled I had something move from the corner of my eye I checked my desk and found the spider resting against a small box on the desk.
So this time I was prepared, or so I thought. While I carefully checked its enclosure I couldn't find a trace of the spider. I checked it above the larger enclosure which I had for additional security placed in a even larger plastic box. But no spider. So in the end I moved all substrate and moss to the new enclosure as well and hope the spider is hidden in all this somewhere. Otherwise it's either dead or now living somewhere in our house...