Molting time
In the afternoon I discovered that the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens I keep had just molted. It was resting next to its shed exoskeleton.

It was already very lethargic for weeks and had been refusing food. Three days earlier I had moistened part of the substrate and placed a single drop on the hammock it webbed. Possibly this triggered the molt?
If you're interested in my current set up for this species I took some photos the 13th of November, 2020.
Also three days earlier I removed the molt of the Psalmopoeus irminia I keep from its enclosure. The tarantula had ejected it from the cork tube it hides in. I am not sure when it has exactly shed this exoskeleton. I also haven't seen the animal itself yet, because it is still hiding in the burrow it dug underneath the vertical cork tube.