
Fri 27 Nov 2020

SQLite as a document database

SQLite has had JSON support for a while.

However recently it added a killer feature: generated columns. (This was added in 3.31.0, released 2020-01-22.)

This makes it possible to insert JSON straight into SQLite and then have it extract data and index them, i.e. you can treat SQLite as a document database. This has been possible with PostgreSQL and obviously is what something like Elastic provides but having it available in an embedded database is very nice for lightweight stuff.

Source: SQLite as a document database, an article by David Leadbeater.

Existential Haskell

The majority of software engineering literature portrays object-oriented programming as distinct from, and often irreconcilable with, functional programming. This is, of course, a false dichotomy, as the techniques encouraged by functional programming are applicable in even the most object-oriented languages. Yet object-orientation, being perhaps history’s most popular software paradigm, has popularized its tenets, and occasionally we can see them show up even in programming languages like Haskell, a language about as antithetical to the object-oriented philosophy as possible.

Source: Existential Haskell.