
Sun 11 Oct 2020

The Three Dots of JavaScript: Rest and Spread Operator

The ES2018 introduced us with the concept of the rest and spread operators. Though the ES2015 already introduced us the spread operator, ES2018 further expanded the syntax by adding spread properties to object literals. Both of them become very useful when we need to copy an array or object, or when we need to pass an indefinite amount of arguments into a function. Here, we'll discuss both the rest and spread operators.

Source: The Three Dots of JavaScript: Rest and Spread Operator, an article by Subha Chanda.

Chrome DevTools - CSS Overview

Recently a cool new experimental feature was added to Chrome. We can get an overview of the CSS used on a website. For example: information about CSS elements, external stylesheets, colors, fonts, media queries and also unused declarations (if you want to optimize things you may want to check it out).

Source: Chrome DevTools - CSS Overview, an article by Boris Bay.

When I tried this on Chrome version 85.0.4183.121 running on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 using Plurrrr the browser kept showing Processing Page. After an upgrade to version 86.0.4240.75, CSS Overview worked as expected. This is a tool I am for sure going to use; highly recommended.

Chrome CSS Overview: Colors as used by Plurrrr
Chrome CSS Overview: Colors as used by Plurrrr.