
Sun 12 Jul 2020

Temporal Data Tables

MariaDB now supports temporal data tables in the form of system-versioning tables (allowing you to query and operate on historic data), application-time periods (allow you to query and operate on a temporal range of data), and bitemporal tables (which combine both system-versioning and application-time periods).

Source: Temporal Data Tables.

Puck the cat

In the afternoon we visited my brother to celebrate his birthday, which is actually tomorrow, and to meet the female kitten his daughter got as a present; Puck.

Adam holding Puck
Adam holding Puck.

Both Adam and Alice played a lot with this little cat, to her delight. She's very playful and wants attention all the time.

Puck the cat
Puck the cat.

Apple Silicon: The Passing of Wintel

We’re about to enter an exciting, messy transition. Not only will Apple Silicon make better Macs, it will force Microsoft to polish its Windows on ARM act, both hardware and software. In turn, this will cause PC OEMs to reconsider their allegiance to x86 silicon…and that will have serious consequences for the old Wintel partnership.

Source: Apple Silicon: The Passing of Wintel, an article by Jean-Louis Gassée.

Parallel Gzip - Pigz

Sometimes, we would like to compress one or several files into one zipped file or decompress a zipped file. It is very common to use tools such as gzip, zip, or 7zip to create or decompress .gz, .zip, and .7z files, respectively. However, none of these tools on Linux uses multicore and multithread during compression and decompression. When the number of files are large or the file sizes are large, compression and decompression would take a lot of time using single thread.

Pigz is one of the parallel implementation for gzip and zip. Using pigz could greatly save us the time spent on compression and decompression. In this blog post, I would like to briefly discuss how to use pigz.

Source: Parallel Gzip - Pigz, an article by Lei Mao.