Aphonopelma seemanni molting
In the evening, when checking upon the Aphonopelma seemanni I keep I noticed that it was upside down in its burrow. This means the tarantula is going through ecdysis; the shedding of its old exoskeleton.

The tarantula has been restless for about a week or so, getting out of its burrow entirely, and moving around a bit. Maybe it was looking for a better spot to moult? Or maybe because the room temperature exceeded 30°C (86°F) now and then?
In the above photo you can see the silk the tarantula has spun to close off the entry to its burrow.
If all goes well I expect to be able to collect an exuviae, the cast off exoskeleton, tomorrow, which can be used to determine the sex of the tarantula which I don't know at this time of writing. I hope female as females live much longer compared to males.