
Sun 12 Apr 2020

Forecasting with (un)certainty

A model can be anything from 2 numbers scribbled on the back of a napkin, to 100s of numbers tied together in a spreadsheet, to an entire software program performing millions of calculations.

These models are simplified versions of reality that can help us to think better by using numbers. With calculators and spreadsheets, we can build models to help us decide where to go on holiday, how much money to save, and how many employees to hire.

But there's one ingredient that our models, and therefore our decisions, tend to neglect — uncertainty.

Source: Forecasting with (un)certainty, an article by Taimur Abdaal and Lukas Koebis.

Happy Birthday Alice

Today our daughter Alice turned 13. Around 4PM her aunt and uncle paid us a visit, standing outside of the house at a safe distance. They had brought some presents, including one from Alice's grandmother.

Alice enjoying the sparkler on the crumble pie
Alice enjoying the sparkler on the crumble pie.

After they had left we enjoyed some crumble pie. And a little later we played triominos, a game she got as a present from her grandmother.

Alice considering her next move in triominos
Alice considering her next move in triominos.

When we had finished playing one game Alice wanted to play with the painting set she got as a present from her aunt and uncle.

Alice painting
Alice painting.