
week 38, 2022

WHOIS: Fragile, unparseable, obsolete...

The WHOIS protocol is one of the older internet protocols around. It's infuriatingly simple, by and large considered obsolete, and the data provided by it unpredictable, unreliable, incomplete, and, of course, still one of the corner stones of internet operations. In other words, it's the kind of thing I like to waste my time on trying to understand.

Source: WHOIS: Fragile, unparseable, obsolete... and universally relied upon, an article by Jan Schaumann.

Under-documented Kubernetes Security Tips

The fast proliferation of Kubernetes has meant that many more organizations are running Kubernetes without the personnel or the money to secure it properly. And yes, that includes you, "person who is primarily a developer, but deployed an GKE cluster 6 months ago while following the CIS benchmarks and hasn't looked at it since, thinking it's super secure because it's 'managed' by Google". Hopefully this collection of tips will help you out!

Source: Under-documented Kubernetes Security Tips, an article by Mac Chaffee.


redframes (rectangular data frames) is a data manipulation library for ML and visualization. It is fully interoperable with pandas, compatible with scikit-learn, and works great with matplotlib!

redframes prioritizes syntax over flexibility and scope. And minimizes the number-of-googles-per-lines-of-code™ so that you can focus on the work that matters most.

Source: redframes, an article by Max Humber.

Postgres Data Flow

At Crunchy we talk a lot about memory, shared buffers, and cache hit ratios. Even our new playground tutorials can help users learn about memory usage. The gist of many of those conversations is that you want to have most of your frequently accessed data in the memory pool closest to the database, the shared buffer cache.

There's a lot more to the data flow of an application using Postgres than that. There could be application-level poolers and Redis caches in front of the database. Even on the database server, data exists at multiple layers, including the kernel and various on-disk caches. So for those of you that like to know the whole story, this post pulls together the full data flow for Postgres reads and writes, stem-to-stern.

Source: Postgres Data Flow, an article by David Christensen.

Operator Glossary

One aspect of Haskell that many new users find difficult to get a handle on is operators. Unlike many other languages, Haskell gives a lot of flexibility to developers to define custom operators. This can lead to shorter, more elegant code in many cases.

Source: Operator Glossary.