
Sat 08 Apr 2023

WebAssembly tail calls

We are shipping WebAssembly tail calls in V8 v11.2! In this post we give a brief overview of this proposal, demonstrate an interesting use case for C++ coroutines with Emscripten, and show how V8 handles tail calls internally.

Source: WebAssembly tail calls, an article by Thibaud Michaud and Thomas Lively.

ORMs considered harmful

I think people reach for ORMs because they are afraid of making mistakes, they do not want to learn SQL, or both. People assume that their ORM of choice will generate correct (i.e. does what they intended), valid (i.e. running it won't produce an error, such as a syntax error), and performant SQL for the queries they need to make, and that they can do this without learning SQL itself. I think wanting to avoid mistakes is a very noble goal, but I do not think ORMs are the right way to acheive it. I also think learning SQL is unavoidable, and reliance on ORMs are a net hinderance for yourself and other maintainers. Allow me to explain why I think these things, and perhaps convince you as well.

Source: ORMs considered harmful.

PKI for busy people

Public-key infrastructure (PKI) is an umbrella term for everything that has to do with keys and certificates.

This is a quick overview of the important stuff.

Source: PKI for busy people, an article by Christoffer Rehn.

Explaining why the Python installation process such a mess

Python installation experience is lacking. This is not because nobody wants to fix it. A lot of work has been done to improve it already. But the age and popularity of the language make the task extremely complicated.

Nevertheless, providing a cross-platform installer shipping self-contained binaries and normalizing how you run the executable would help a lot. Several projects are experimenting with those ideas.

Source: Explaining why the Python installation process such a mess.