
Mon 30 Jan 2023

Perl Testing in 2023

With my open source work, I’ve historically taken an approach which relies more on integration testing than unit testing, but with some of my newer projects, I’ve tried adopting principles from $paidwork and applying them to my free software.

This is a quick run-down of how I’m structuring my test suite in newer projects. It’s likely that many of my existing projects will never adopt this structure, but some may.

Source: Perl Testing in 2023, an article by Toby Inkster.

Monoids in the Category of...

This is not a monad tutorial. You do not need to read this, especially if you’re new to Haskell. Do something more useful with your time. But if you will not be satisfied until you understand the meme words, let’s proceed. I’ll assume knowledge of categories, functors, and natural transformations.

Source: Monoids in the Category of..., an article by Jack Kelly.